We decided to do in-home euthanasia. We were so grateful to find someone who would be able to come to our home. I could not bare to take my baby to the vet’s office, the place he hated the most. I highly recommend Dr. Christina of Creature Comfort Clinic out of Oshkosh. She was very patient, kind, and comforting.
Bill was not a pet. He was a member of our little family. He taught us patience and most of all, unconditional love.
Thank you to all who have messaged us your thoughts and prayers. We are having a really hard time dealing with Bill’s absence, but the words you have shared with us has helped.
We just need a couple days to re-charge our batteries. Please be patient with emails and phone calls, we will get right back to you asap.
Some fun facts about Bill:
-I didn’t initially want a boy dog when we were looking for a playmate for our first dog, Dinah. I never had a male dog growing up and didn’t know what to expect as far as behavior. The same breeder who gave us Dinah had a litter of just males but we decided to take a look at them anyway. We walked into the breeder’s home and there were a bunch of black and tan puppy Dachshunds in the middle of her living room. They were all huddled together, but one of them strayed and came by me, wagging his tail. I picked him up and looked into his sweet eyes and I knew I’d found my new baby. He completely changed my mind about male dogs and dare I say that male dogs are the best.
-he has a very distinctive paw print on his chest.
-we named him after the movie “Kill Bill”. I also named him after the song “Bill” from the musical “Showboat”.
-his bark always sounded like “bloof” or “blarf” instead of the typical “ruff”. We nicknamed him blarf boy.
-he was the most well behaved dog out of the three. He was the cuddliest dog out of the three as well.
-he was so adorable when he’d get really excited about something(like going for a walk or going to grandma and granpa’s house). Sometimes he’d do this thing with his mouth while barking that he’d sound like a cat purring.
-he loved food. Was always barking at us to feed him more. He’d always be fine until 3 pm(which was 3 hours before dinner), so we’d always say he’s having the “3 o’clock whine-ys”.
-he loved to cuddle and be talked to. There were times where he wasn’t happy unless I pet him with both hands, looked at him and talked to him. He was an attention hogger. He needed you to do all three or he’d bark at you.
-for some reason he loved to be in our bathroom while we showered. We put his doggy bed in the bathroom and always called it “Bed, bath and beyond”. His bed is still in our bathroom.
-he was picky about his water. He didn’t like Danny drinking from the water bowl and would demand that I give him a clean, fresh bowl just for him. Sometimes he wouldn’t even touch a full bowl of water unless I emptied it and gave him fresh water.
-he always posed well for pictures.
Goodbye my sweet Billy. My heart will ache for you for the rest of my life.