My “slow season” is in full swing and I don’t mind it one bit. I’m happy for the break but I know that very soon I’ll be dying to get back to work. This is the time where I look back at my last wedding season and sort of reflect. I think about my work, my improvements, things I need to improve on, all the happy moments I got to capture at the weddings, etc. One thing that has stood out to me that I’ve recently been pondering is: couples on their wedding day should take a few minutes to breathe in and relish the moment…alone. Yes, even without me.
I shot a wedding last year where a couple did just that. Immediately after walking down the aisle, they sneaked away into a room for a couple minutes, just the two of them. No receiving line, no bridal party, no photographer. They wanted to be ALONE for just a moment. Only they know of the sweet words exchanged, the possible tears and kisses.
I’ve shot over a hundred weddings and this had to be the first wedding I noticed something so sweet like that. It made me think that all couples should take a few minutes, go hide somewhere from all the craziness, and just be. I guarantee that it will be one of the best moments to happen during the whole day(and I can say this from experience). Jonathan and I got to have a few moments to ourselves during our wedding. It is probably the most vivid memory I have from that day and definitely one of the happiest.
I highly recommend to all engaged couples yet to wed to take a few minutes on your wedding day to just be alone. A good time is immediately after the ceremony when your adrenaline and emotions are high. The day will go by in a flash so taking the time to really soak in all the emotions with your new spouse will for sure be a cherished memory from your wedding.